Monday, December 14, 2009

Seven men, know-how to maintain sexual function

First, moderate sex life.Some people think that"Man's semen is limited, young masturbation, more frequent sex life, to the age of a large penis will not serve the purpose of the"。The idea is no scientific basis. With the human body, like any organ, sex organ is also"Of use and disuse",A harmonious sexual life has nothing to do with age. The more moderate sex life the better they can promote the human endocrine function, so that the hypothalamus─Pituitary─Gonadal endocrine regulation enhanced, promoting sex hormone secretion. The nerve center of the body controlling the activities of the hypothalamus, moderate sex life can be active in the parts of the functionality, long-term ability to maintain a sex life. So, regardless of any age do not need to evade the most basic human behavior and the most normal──Sex life. Of course, it must be restraint, sexToo frequent erection of life can be too excited about the central hub with ejaculation and fatigue, high incidence of sexual dysfunction, but also can cause back pain, fatigue. Especially after the age of 35 must be put under control, otherwise prone to prostatitis, Vesiculitis, but also prone to prostatic hypertrophy.

  Second, ensure that there is sufficient sleep and rest.Some people work during the day and a busy night in bed exhausted after a sense of the body, this time it is unlikely that sexual interest generated. If it is forcibly carried out will certainly affect the quality of sexual life, or an erection will not be strong, or so his wife, which happened cause orgasm ejaculation. For these people, sex can be arranged in the morning when you wake up. Of course, just woke up, because the cortex is still in the inhibition are unlikely to cause sexual arousal, there must be a longer preparation time. The morning after intercourse is often forced to hurry because they have to get up to go to work, so that his wife wasLess than orgasm after the consolation is not given to her husband after the short-term sleep fine, easy fatigue. This is a drawback, it can be arranged on a rest day morning. However, as the couple work on rest days are not necessarily the same day, to take into account is also difficult. In view of this situation, try a little sleep during the day if a moment, even if it is to sleep 10 to 20 minutes, for the interruption of tension, relaxed mood, the spirit of good rest is conducive to recovery from fatigue, avoid Overturn to fall asleep after going to bed at night. Flat after the lifting testicular hyperemia, heart and testicles at the same level, when in the supine position, is conducive to smooth testicular venous drainage can avoid testicular varicose veins and promote testicular function of rapid recovery. In order to avoid fatigue after sex life, sex life husband and wife again after some gentle, so that both sides have been sufficient to meet the physical and psychological, and then go to sleep, easy fatigue. A long time to fall asleep immediately after sex life but could easily cause the next day feeling tired. The morning after sex life should strive for less sleep a while, even turn a blind eye bunk, in a state of 10 ~ 20 minutes Sishuifeishui Ye Hao.

  Third, develop the habit of taking a bath with warm water before going to bed.During the day is sympathetic excited to sleep at night is the parasympathetic excited after, bathing can make emotional relaxation, to eliminate the tension during the day will enable the body to adapt to the night of the autonomic deployment, help improve sexual function, improve sleep. Important to remember that heat, cold water will stimulate the sympathetic nervous excitement, but so nervous tension, it is appropriate to 38 ~ 39℃温Bathing water slowly in order to eliminate tension. When taking a bath with a soft brush massage body rub with a towel back and waist points to help physical impotence; header at the top of a set of body points at one point"Committee hole 100", Bath with hot towel head, or desirable warmer water will head, so that the water along the eyes, nose, ears natural fall,Baihui can stimulate beneficial to health; but also immersed in a warm and comfortable bathing abandoned ideas and personal considerations, as well as improving mood and emotion. After the warm bath in the wash will enable people to produce a pleasant feeling. But do not use hot water soaked too long, on the one hand enable the testicular temperature of hot water is too high, damage to testicular function, on the other hand allow a significant expansion of systemic blood vessels, skin hyperemia, relative cerebral insufficiency, easy to appear tired. ImmersionInter too long can cause physical exertion, generally taking a bath to 10 minutes is appropriate.

 The fourth is usually tight-fitting briefs Shao Chuan.Tight-fitting briefs can be oppressive testis, and the local airtight, temperature regulation is poor, could easily lead to testicular temperature is too high, thus affecting testicular function. Tight-fitting briefs, so that loss of the scrotum scrotal skin contraction and relaxation depend on to regulate the temperature of the role, only to regulate the temperature by sweating, resulting in perineal warm and humid, bacteria, fungi easy to breed, easy to cause localized skin infections and genito-urinary tract infection. So, underwear should more relaxed, wear jeans, not a long time.

  5 is a massage or a warm moxibustion umbilical.Chinese medicine is called umbilical"Shenque",Can cure gastrointestinal illness studies suggest that Japanese scientists have recently Bolivia, massage, or warm moxibustion umbilical"Shenque"Points canTo improve sexual function, treat impotence. Japan's ancient Chuanbo doctor according to the clinical experiments show that the daily morning and evening in bed with the index finger to massage the navel 5 minutes, or a lit cigarette closer to the navel, when they feel hot immediately take that, to repeat several times every night before going to sleep Two months later may have unexpected effects can be impotence treatment of impotence.

  6 is a reasonable diet.In recent years, research and development, in the elderly, many of impotence due to vascular factors. Local arteriosclerosis can affect the blood supply to the penis, allowing erection will not be strong or impotence. Therefore, the elderly should pay attention to proper diet, positive prevention and treatment of high blood lipids and diabetes diet suitable glass, avoiding high in animal fat, high cholesterol, high-sugar, high-salt diet. Zinc is necessary to maintain normal sexual function of trace elements, general animal foods rich in zinc, but also easy to absorb. Even if the concentration of zinc in plant foods rich in phytate and plant cellulose due to the impact of absorbing less. In the elderly should consume more zinc-rich foods, such as oysters and other shellfish, small aquatic products, fish and beef, yogurt, eggs, soybeans and soy products. Smoking can affect sexual function. Experiments show that penile blood flow negative in the incidence of smokers was 25%, non-smokers only 8%; smoke cigarettes with higher nicotine yields of people, penile erection was slower than that of low nicotine cigarette smoking in people. Therefore, smokers who have erectile dysfunction should try to quit, in order to restore normal sexual function

1 comment:

  1. There is so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? The answers can be found at
