Sunday, February 28, 2010

Brothers, sons of men more than a high probability

According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao," recently reported that scientists inResearchMore than 400 years after the claims of genealogy, there are many brothers and men have children, the birth of his son's chances will be higher.

British "Daily Telegraph" reported that scientists believe that this study found that indicate that men areGeneticGenes, there was indeed a decision, men tend to health woman birth to a boy or a genetic code. However, scientists have not yet identified such a password.

Scientists believe that this gene has three forms, namely, "mm" gene, "mf" genes and "ff" gene. These three genes affect the male produced with XChromosomeOr the Y chromosome sperm count.

"Mm" genes are more able to encourage men produce sperm with a Y chromosome, so a high chance of giving birth to her son; "mf" gene produced an equal number of men are X-chromosome sperm and Y chromosome sperm, so giving birth to her son and daughter opportunities for the half; "ff" are more genes will produce sperm with X chromosomes, the chance of daughters are relatively high.

Scientists believe that men get from his father the corresponding genes. In other words, brothers and sisters more than men, sons than daughters of high probability.

Scientists also note that this may explain the observed just after the two world wars and a sudden increase in the number of British men, a phenomenon.

University of Newcastle researcher Gellatley said that this is because families have more sons survived the war after her son to return home after giving birth are more male offspring. On the contrary, there are more his daughter's family may lose their only son in the war, even if the only surviving son to return home, later gave birth to more daughters.

Scientists studied 927 families, involving more than 556,000 family tree, covering the region, including North America and Europe, the first of a genealogy can be traced back to the 17th century. Research results have been published in the "evolutionary biology" (Evolutionary Biology) on

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